Jakarta for The Future of Work

August 21, 2022

Social Conference | 2022

Jakarta for The Future of Work (JFOW) "Am I Relevant?" is a festival that invites the public to engage in discussions, share new ideas, and make commitments for a better Indonesia.

Was held on August 21 2022 at the Teater Besar Taman Ismail Marzuki, the goal is to raise awareness among Indonesian youth about future employment issues.

This event is organized by Half Indonesia in collaboration with the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta as part of the Urban 20 series. It featured five speakers from various backgrounds: Anies Baswedan (Governor of DKI Jakarta), M. Alfatih Timur (CEO & Co-Founder of Kitabisa), Najelaa Shihab (Founder of Karier.mu & Talentics), Fadil Muhammad Jaidi (CEO of Traffic Bun & Content Creator), and Rene Suhardono (Author & Coach).